Deprived Area Strategies

Many areas of Britain have pockets of deprivation. In some places these are extensive, while in others they may be no bigger than an estate in an otherwise affluent area. There are also rural areas with low unemployment but also low wages.

We have considerable experience of devising and evaluating deprived area strategies. Possible strategies are:

  • Skills Audits: Skills and qualifications are not the same. There are people with qualifications but no usable skills and others who are highly skilled but lack formal qualifications. A survey of residents to identify what skills they possess can help in linking them to employers who need those skills.

  • Enhancing Skills: People with low skills are more likely to be on low incomes or unemployed than those with higher level ones. Providing pre-employment training as well as basic skills training in numeracy, literacy and IT skills enhances employability.

  • Skills Needs and Job Matching: Surveying local employers can identify current skills gaps and future needs. In moving companies can also be surveyed to identify workforce requirements. Vacancies can be matched to the skills of local residents with the help of tailor made skills training courses.

  • Business Support Programmes: These are designed to encourage local people to set up in business and offer advice to existing businesses to improve their performance.

  • Promoting Social Enterprise: Social enterprises are one way of tackling deprivation. They enable the local community to create their own jobs and deliver local services, which would not otherwise be available.

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Geonomics Ltd, 105 Liberty Place, 26-38 Sheepcote Street, Birmingham B16 8JT. Company Registration Number 6297158.